
Friday, February 26, 2010

please help

I have a challenge for all my friends.  I need 100 people to donate $30 to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Who is in?  Blood born cancers can touch anyone of us. Wouldn't you want a cure.  Help out by stepping up to the challenge go to my website to make that donation!  Thanks all!

Monday, February 22, 2010

I need to get back to it.

I need to get back to losing the rest of the weight.  I fell like I have slacked off. I still run and exercise I have just let the eating go by the way side.  So today I stand before you or write before you that I will do better.  I am going to try to eat better and limit the amount of sweets and mindless snacking that I have fallen into.  I have been quite stressed since signing up to do team in trianing because of the fund raising involved so therefor my stress has led to eating poorly.  Shame on me.  I would really like to get this money raised soon so I can get this monkey of my back.  The thought of having to pay the money myself is daunting and stressful. 

Any way Emily is doing great.  She is saying more words everyday.  She is now attached to a stuffed ducky.  It's so cute to watch her read her books and just play around.  I love my munchkin.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I don't think I am an overly creative person but I think deep down inside somewhere lives a desire to be.  I want to do so many things.  I want to be a photographer, a painter, a baker and I want to learn how to knit.  All things that take some creativity but I feel I fall flat.  I was recently talking via facebook to an ex-coworker who asked if I was still painting.  I said no but maybe I should try that again.  He agreed that I should.  When he left my former employer I did a painting for him.  He had it hanging in his office at his new job.  I guess it is still there.  It's nice that someone believed in my ability.

The problem is this, I sit down to paint or I sit out to take some photos and I can't come up with anything.  I will stare at a blank canvas and just feel an overwhelming feeling of wanting to paint something beautiful but nothing comes to me or what I end up with is so disappointing that I walk away discouraged.  I haven't ever really put much effort into trying to knit.  I did buy some needles and a how to kit once and couldn't even do the first stitch.  How is that for a confidence boost.  I am not one that can teach myself things I guess. I need to be shown.  Cake decorating and baking I do try to work on and am getting better at that.  My waistline doesn't thank me.

So this is what I have to say I guess creativity if you are out there can you come and find me?  Just come and be my friend for a while and that is all I ask.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentine's Day to those of you who choose to celebrate.  Today we are just doing our normal Sunday thing.  I will head to the gym to run in a little bit or I may check the temp outside and run outside.  That would be so nice.  Yesterday I made some chocolate malt cookies.  Yummo!

We got Emily a little stuffed Eeyore and she wants nothing to do with it.  How disappointing.  Oh well. She enjoyed the cookies.  Well she likes pretty much anything.  This morning I made some cream cheese and jam stuffed french toast.  That was really good.  OK I really don't have much of anything else to add at the moment.  Have a great day everyone. I love my munchkin!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

To my Wonderful husband

I just have to say that I have the greatest husband ever.  He is kind and caring.  He treats me well and loves Emily and is such a good dad.  I have been going on and on the past few weeks about a cook book I used to have that I wish I still had(long story).  I have really gotten into wanting to cook lately and it was a good cookbook.  Yesterday Casey came home and brought in a box that had been left on our doorstep.  He told me to go ahead an open it.  Confused I went a head and opened it.  Inside were 5 Betty Crocker Cookbooks.  He didn't know which one I had had so he got me 5 different ones!  I was so surpised.  I know it may seem small to some and you maybe saying big deal cookbooks.  To me it was a great gift.  Now the only problem is figuring out what I am going to cook!

I love my little munchkin!(refering to Emily not Casey)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ode to snow

Snow you are a thorn in my side
You make me want to run and hide.
I hate the cold and the ice
A sunny beach sounds nice.
I long to run and play
if the snow and cold would just go away.
I miss running outside
if only the cold would subside.

Ok that is all I got.  It's not good but it kept me entertained for a few minutes.  I hope you are warm where ever you are.

Emily is great! I love my munchkin.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sorry to have been MIA

It's been a rough few days.  I am having serious sleep issues which leads to headache issues.  No headache at the moment thankfully so I will put some words down for your viewing pleasure.

It snowed over night and is now raining and will turn back to snow later.  YUCK!  I hate this weather.  Straight snow would be better. I hate snow though.  I don't like being cold at all.  I like to run outside but my asthmatic lungs can't take the cold temps so I am banished to the treadmill or the dreadmill as I have heard other running friends call it. Spring will come eventually.

(throw back pic)
Emily is my little walker now.  She has made the transition and she walks more than she crawls.  It still startles me when she walks in the kitchen and is just standing there when I turn around.  She is such a great kid. I LOVE THAT MUNCHKIN!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Good afternoon all

I don't really have anything overly exciting to share.  What's on my mind now is fund raising.  Do any of you have any good ideas?  I am trying to get together a wine tasting/silen auction.  I just don't know what to try to get for silent auction items.  What sells well at these events?  Any suggestiong would be greatly appreciated. 

Emily is doing great.  She is walking more and more.  She loves her care bear.  She slept with it last night.  That was the first time she has slept with something in her crib.  

I have the urge to go out and take pictures of random things.  I don't have the time really to do so with work, training and family.  I don't know where I would go either since I'm not a fan of being cold and all.  I wonder if I took some really great photos and framed them nicely if they would sell at a silent acution....hmmm.  I also want to bake.  I have nothing to bake but I want to.  I hate being broke.

OK I am done rambling for now.  I hope it was some what entertaining or thought provoking.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jury Duty

Today I start jury duty.  I have never served before so I have no idea what to expect.  I hope it's not to bad.  I am suffering from serious lack of sleep and I don't know how much my brain can handle at the moment.  I slept really well from about 10 or so until 2:30 then it was on again off again.  Anyway I have to serve for 4 months!  Who has jury duty for 4 months. 

Emily is doing great.  She discovered this morning that I have a good luck bear in my car that sits on my dashboard.  Needless to say she now has it.  She was so cute when I handed it to her she just hugged and kissed on him.  It's a small stuffed one so it is her size.  She cried when she thought I was going to take it away from her at the sitters house.  I just let her keep him.  Any way thanks for reading I hope you all have a great day.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's 9:22.....

and I am drinkning a Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper.  That should be an indication of how tired I am . I don't drink soda this early in the morning and I will probably regret it later at lunch.  Oh well I needed something.  So it's Tuesday.  I don't like Tuesdays and I kinda feel bad about that. It's really not Tuesdays fault that it's a blah day.  It's just kinda stuck in there kinda like an afterthought.  So Tuesday here is to you I raise my can and salute you. Yes you. 

Not a whole lot going on.  I have to record some dancers in the studio today.  That's about it work wise.  Tonight I will run either outside or on the DREADMILL! We shall see. Tomorrow will be oh so fun jury duty starts.  It's a kick of celebration if you will of my next 4 months of service to the courts.  Yes I said 4 MONTHS!  Feb. 3rd to  May  31st.  Great times. 

To happier discussion topics Emily is wonderful.  She is such a joy and a blessing. I LOVE THAT MUNCHKIN!

That is all.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Bad Monday! Bad bad Monday!

I wasn't ready for Monday to arrive.  I was content for Sunday to last for a few more hours. *Sigh*  i didn't sleep well, I burned my hand on my straightening (nice blister) and I cut my hand some how. At least Emily has stopped crying when I drop her off at the babysitters house.  I hate it when she cries an I have to just turn my back and walk away.  The gym should be back open this afternoon so I can get my run in and make up my miles I didn't get in on Saturday.  I am looking forward to it.  I still need help with donations if anyone can.  Have a great day everyone.  Sorry this isn't more exciting.  Maybe once things improve I will write something more.