
Friday, May 28, 2010

Feel good Friday.

Don't you love having a great evening?  I had the chance to go out to dinner with an old friend last night and get caught up with her life.  We ended up sitting in the restaurant and talking for over 2 hours.  It was great. I don't have a lot of girl friends to just go out and hangout with so this just made me happy.

This morning I met my sister in law at the Pilot station so she could get Emily.  I got there before she did so Emily and I went in to get a mommy a cup of coffee.  The clerk was so nice to help me pour my coffee.  Then a random stranger asked me if that was all I had and said yes and he paid for my coffee!  Such nice people on a Friday morning. 

I do have one issue with my morning so far.  I have an ear ache.  My left ear is hurting and clogged up.  I guess I should make a doctors appointment to make sure it isn't infected since I am flying to San Diego in a week.  Ear issues on a plane don't mix.  have a FABULOUS FRIDAY!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Is it me your looking for? I thought I should right something since I haven't done so in a while.  So here it goes. Hmmmm what to say what to say?  I want to be able to breathe freely.  I miss that.  I have been using a neti pot and that has helped some but I guess I am clogged up pretty good.  Blah.  Two people at work have put in their 2 weeks notice.  I will miss them but wish them both the best of luck with life.  I want cake.

Friday, May 21, 2010


I had a close call coming into work this morning.  In the lane next to me a car that was switching out of my lane into the other came to an almost complete stop and the big box truck almost hit him but manage to miss.  The car in front of me came to a stop because the exit lane was backed up and I had to slam on my brakes.  Since the roads were wet I skidded to a stop part of the way on the shoulder but I managed to stop before hitting the car in front of me and the car behind me got stopped.  The car behind him also ended up on the shoulder.  Crazy.  Thank you God for watching over all of us and no one was hurt.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Have you ever felt like  you have something you really want to say but it's buried so deep down it hasn't surfaced yet? There are some things I can't talk about.  There are things that I can tell are floating around but haven't come to the surface of my mind. 

I have no funny, quirky stories to tell today.  It's been one of those weeks.  You know the kind that you just look forward to going home and doing whatever it is you do to disconnect. For me that has been taking Emily out in the back yard and blowing bubbles.  She runs around trying to catch them and laughs when they pop.  That is the best sound in the world.  Makes the stress a lot easier to take.

I want to go to the zoo.  Just a random thought for you.  I love going to the zoo and Emily has only been once.  We didn't make it all the way through though.  Need to go back soon.  Oh well  have a great day everyone.  To all of the mothers out there have a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

To the fallen

I didn't know you but I am sad you are gone.  All I know is you were a husband, a father, a decorated Air Force officer who served in Iraq. You came back home to Lexington to be one of the city's finest. You protected our city, our families and our friends.  You died in the line of duty.  You answered a call and were senselessly killed in a hit and run.  You were laid to rest today.  Thousands lined the streets as your funeral procession passed.  I wish I could have been one.  I can't imagine the pain your wife feels and the lack of understanding of your son.  How do you explain to a 4 year old that they can't hug their daddy again?  Today you received your last call.  One you are answering in Heaven.  May peace be with your family.  May your wife find strength and courage to face each day.  May your son grow up to be the same upstanding man you were. RIP Officer Bryan Durman.

To the men and women who serve in our military, police forces and fire fighters thank you.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So much to say

I have so many thoughts drifting through my head.  I want to blog about them but I guess I have my internal edit button on.  I figure why does anyone want to read what I have to say?  What's so interesting about me and my thoughts? 
I want to create things.  I want to make art. I feel like I have this creative energy that just wants to burst from every pore but I don't know how.  Do you know what I mean?  I'm not a writer by any stretch of the imagination.  I love photography and think I am pretty good at that but not at the same time.  I can't draw worth a lick and if you put a paint brush in my hand it's hard to tell what my show up on canvas.   I know art is subjective but I guess it's my low self esteem and insecurities that tells me I'm no good. 
Just thought I would put this out there.  I don't even think anyone reads this.  I don't know how to go about getting readers either.  I guess I will learn.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Just throwing it out to the universe

So I want to be a preschool teacher.  I have thought about my career often over the past year and everything leads me back to wanting to teach preschool.  It's a total career change and would mean going back to school.  I am already really busy.  I can't ignore the pull in this direction. 

On Friday I took the plunge.  I enrolled into an online university for Early Childhood Education.  I am still nervous and scared about it.  Second guessing myself but deep down I know it's the right thing for me.  So if you could say some prayers to help me through it I would appreciate it. 


Friday, March 26, 2010

About me

I was reading Shelly's blog and she had a fun post about 10 quirky things about her. So, here are my 10 quirky things.

1) I work in television and that in and of itself is quirky.

2)  I love running.  Some people find this weird.  I find it enjoyable.

3)  I love racing as well.  The atmosphere of a race is undescribable to those who have never done it.  The energy you get from all the runners and really everyone is so friendly.

4)  My music tastes are quirky.  It changes from month to month what I like right now it's country.

5)  I love photography and have dreams of being a professional photographer.

6)  I am random.  I will pop out with the most random things.  We can be talking about one thing and all of the sudden I start talking about something so totally off subject.  I can't help myself.

7) I love my message boards.  I belong to 2 and probably spend to much time checking them.

8)  I dont' live and die by UK athletics and if you live in or around Lexington KY that is quirky.

9)  I am organizationally challenged.  Our house is so out of order and I have no idea what to do to fix that.

10)  I am a Yankees fan which is weird here in KY.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


My precious little munchkin is 16 months old.  I can't believe it.  Seems like yesterday she was this big.
Now look at her

She is walking and talking.  Loves books.  Which we need to get some new ones.  Mommy is tired of reading the same ones over and over and over  She is like her daddy and wakes up slow in the morning.  She gets so excited when I come back in from a run and I love that.  She gives hugs and kisses and says thank you. She loves food.  I don't think there has been anything she hasn't just loved.   I think yogurt and potato soup are her favorite things to eat.  She loves her duck, good luck bear and this little teddy bear that I have know idea where it came from.  She loves to play with her friends at the babysitters house.  She plays so hard and as soon as they leave she passes out.  She is just such a joy and a happy child.  I LOVE YOU MUNCHKIN!

Friday, February 26, 2010

please help

I have a challenge for all my friends.  I need 100 people to donate $30 to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Who is in?  Blood born cancers can touch anyone of us. Wouldn't you want a cure.  Help out by stepping up to the challenge go to my website to make that donation!  Thanks all!

Monday, February 22, 2010

I need to get back to it.

I need to get back to losing the rest of the weight.  I fell like I have slacked off. I still run and exercise I have just let the eating go by the way side.  So today I stand before you or write before you that I will do better.  I am going to try to eat better and limit the amount of sweets and mindless snacking that I have fallen into.  I have been quite stressed since signing up to do team in trianing because of the fund raising involved so therefor my stress has led to eating poorly.  Shame on me.  I would really like to get this money raised soon so I can get this monkey of my back.  The thought of having to pay the money myself is daunting and stressful. 

Any way Emily is doing great.  She is saying more words everyday.  She is now attached to a stuffed ducky.  It's so cute to watch her read her books and just play around.  I love my munchkin.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I don't think I am an overly creative person but I think deep down inside somewhere lives a desire to be.  I want to do so many things.  I want to be a photographer, a painter, a baker and I want to learn how to knit.  All things that take some creativity but I feel I fall flat.  I was recently talking via facebook to an ex-coworker who asked if I was still painting.  I said no but maybe I should try that again.  He agreed that I should.  When he left my former employer I did a painting for him.  He had it hanging in his office at his new job.  I guess it is still there.  It's nice that someone believed in my ability.

The problem is this, I sit down to paint or I sit out to take some photos and I can't come up with anything.  I will stare at a blank canvas and just feel an overwhelming feeling of wanting to paint something beautiful but nothing comes to me or what I end up with is so disappointing that I walk away discouraged.  I haven't ever really put much effort into trying to knit.  I did buy some needles and a how to kit once and couldn't even do the first stitch.  How is that for a confidence boost.  I am not one that can teach myself things I guess. I need to be shown.  Cake decorating and baking I do try to work on and am getting better at that.  My waistline doesn't thank me.

So this is what I have to say I guess creativity if you are out there can you come and find me?  Just come and be my friend for a while and that is all I ask.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentine's Day to those of you who choose to celebrate.  Today we are just doing our normal Sunday thing.  I will head to the gym to run in a little bit or I may check the temp outside and run outside.  That would be so nice.  Yesterday I made some chocolate malt cookies.  Yummo!

We got Emily a little stuffed Eeyore and she wants nothing to do with it.  How disappointing.  Oh well. She enjoyed the cookies.  Well she likes pretty much anything.  This morning I made some cream cheese and jam stuffed french toast.  That was really good.  OK I really don't have much of anything else to add at the moment.  Have a great day everyone. I love my munchkin!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

To my Wonderful husband

I just have to say that I have the greatest husband ever.  He is kind and caring.  He treats me well and loves Emily and is such a good dad.  I have been going on and on the past few weeks about a cook book I used to have that I wish I still had(long story).  I have really gotten into wanting to cook lately and it was a good cookbook.  Yesterday Casey came home and brought in a box that had been left on our doorstep.  He told me to go ahead an open it.  Confused I went a head and opened it.  Inside were 5 Betty Crocker Cookbooks.  He didn't know which one I had had so he got me 5 different ones!  I was so surpised.  I know it may seem small to some and you maybe saying big deal cookbooks.  To me it was a great gift.  Now the only problem is figuring out what I am going to cook!

I love my little munchkin!(refering to Emily not Casey)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ode to snow

Snow you are a thorn in my side
You make me want to run and hide.
I hate the cold and the ice
A sunny beach sounds nice.
I long to run and play
if the snow and cold would just go away.
I miss running outside
if only the cold would subside.

Ok that is all I got.  It's not good but it kept me entertained for a few minutes.  I hope you are warm where ever you are.

Emily is great! I love my munchkin.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sorry to have been MIA

It's been a rough few days.  I am having serious sleep issues which leads to headache issues.  No headache at the moment thankfully so I will put some words down for your viewing pleasure.

It snowed over night and is now raining and will turn back to snow later.  YUCK!  I hate this weather.  Straight snow would be better. I hate snow though.  I don't like being cold at all.  I like to run outside but my asthmatic lungs can't take the cold temps so I am banished to the treadmill or the dreadmill as I have heard other running friends call it. Spring will come eventually.

(throw back pic)
Emily is my little walker now.  She has made the transition and she walks more than she crawls.  It still startles me when she walks in the kitchen and is just standing there when I turn around.  She is such a great kid. I LOVE THAT MUNCHKIN!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Good afternoon all

I don't really have anything overly exciting to share.  What's on my mind now is fund raising.  Do any of you have any good ideas?  I am trying to get together a wine tasting/silen auction.  I just don't know what to try to get for silent auction items.  What sells well at these events?  Any suggestiong would be greatly appreciated. 

Emily is doing great.  She is walking more and more.  She loves her care bear.  She slept with it last night.  That was the first time she has slept with something in her crib.  

I have the urge to go out and take pictures of random things.  I don't have the time really to do so with work, training and family.  I don't know where I would go either since I'm not a fan of being cold and all.  I wonder if I took some really great photos and framed them nicely if they would sell at a silent acution....hmmm.  I also want to bake.  I have nothing to bake but I want to.  I hate being broke.

OK I am done rambling for now.  I hope it was some what entertaining or thought provoking.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jury Duty

Today I start jury duty.  I have never served before so I have no idea what to expect.  I hope it's not to bad.  I am suffering from serious lack of sleep and I don't know how much my brain can handle at the moment.  I slept really well from about 10 or so until 2:30 then it was on again off again.  Anyway I have to serve for 4 months!  Who has jury duty for 4 months. 

Emily is doing great.  She discovered this morning that I have a good luck bear in my car that sits on my dashboard.  Needless to say she now has it.  She was so cute when I handed it to her she just hugged and kissed on him.  It's a small stuffed one so it is her size.  She cried when she thought I was going to take it away from her at the sitters house.  I just let her keep him.  Any way thanks for reading I hope you all have a great day.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's 9:22.....

and I am drinkning a Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper.  That should be an indication of how tired I am . I don't drink soda this early in the morning and I will probably regret it later at lunch.  Oh well I needed something.  So it's Tuesday.  I don't like Tuesdays and I kinda feel bad about that. It's really not Tuesdays fault that it's a blah day.  It's just kinda stuck in there kinda like an afterthought.  So Tuesday here is to you I raise my can and salute you. Yes you. 

Not a whole lot going on.  I have to record some dancers in the studio today.  That's about it work wise.  Tonight I will run either outside or on the DREADMILL! We shall see. Tomorrow will be oh so fun jury duty starts.  It's a kick of celebration if you will of my next 4 months of service to the courts.  Yes I said 4 MONTHS!  Feb. 3rd to  May  31st.  Great times. 

To happier discussion topics Emily is wonderful.  She is such a joy and a blessing. I LOVE THAT MUNCHKIN!

That is all.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Bad Monday! Bad bad Monday!

I wasn't ready for Monday to arrive.  I was content for Sunday to last for a few more hours. *Sigh*  i didn't sleep well, I burned my hand on my straightening (nice blister) and I cut my hand some how. At least Emily has stopped crying when I drop her off at the babysitters house.  I hate it when she cries an I have to just turn my back and walk away.  The gym should be back open this afternoon so I can get my run in and make up my miles I didn't get in on Saturday.  I am looking forward to it.  I still need help with donations if anyone can.  Have a great day everyone.  Sorry this isn't more exciting.  Maybe once things improve I will write something more.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday musings

I was going through my pictures to find one to post and came across this one. It's one of my favorites.  So I thought I would share it.  I think I took this at Hensley Settlement at Cumberland Gap.
Any way it snowed today and I am supposed to run 2 miles today.  
Well I am way to clumsy to run in snow and I am asthmatic and it hurts to run in cold weather anyway.

 So I called to see if the gym was open and no of course they aren't blah. I guess I will be working out at home on my elliptical.  I guess it's better than nothing but it's not running.

My baby girl is 15 months old today.  It seems forever ago she was that small.

This is her now.  She is learning to walk.  She is starting to let go more.  She loves her books. I read the same ones repeatedly.  I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.  I say it a lot in these posts and I will say it again.  I love that munchkin! 
Happy Saturday everyone!!! 

Friday, January 29, 2010

I love blogs

Which is just weird to me.  A few years ago I hated them.  I saw no real purpose for them. Why do I care what others are posting about.  Here as of late I am finding that I love reading what others have to say about their lives.  I love looking at the pictures.  I need to post more photoblogs.  I do have some really good ones.  When I follow a new blog I get happy then I get sad because not many people follow my blog.  Does that make me weird?

Hello my Friday friend.

Good Friday morning to all!  I love Friday's don't you?  No big plans for the day other than work.  I got my first training run in last night in the cold!  I wanted to run on the treadmill but the gym was closed.  Boo.  The cold air hurts my lungs but I did it.  I got 2 miles in 24 minutes.  Today is a rest day.  I have to work later today so I won't be home until after 9.

Enough about me what about Emily.  She is still sniffly and coughing.  Otherwise she is fantastic.  She is currently playing with her Winnie the Pooh airplane and bringing me the same books over and over to read.  I now have them memorized.  She is so cute though you can't resist those cheeks.  Anyway I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  Try to stay warm!!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday is connected to Friday

Hello all 1 of you that probably reads this...LOL. I hope everyone is having a great day.  I am so happy it is Thursday.  It has been a long tiring week.  I am looking forward to relaxing at home this weekend.

Anyway I now have my training schedule in hand for my half marathon so yay!  I am excited.  I love working with a great organization and doing good for others.  It makes me feel awesome.  You could help too! Just goto my website and make a donation ( trust me you will be glad you made the choice.
 Emily is still a little sniffly and coughing.  She only coughs after laying down a while so it is just drainage.  Still I wish it would all go away so she wouldn't be bothered by it.  Otherwise she is healthy and happy.  She loves playing with the other kids at the sitters house.  Mary told me yesterday that she likes playing with the boys better than the girl.  Hmmmm we are going to start the boy thing this early.  God help us.  Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So in my fund raising efforts  I stopped at this new place called Gigi's Cupcakes.  I bought a cupcake in hopes that in return they would help in my efforts.  I thought maybe they would give me some gift certificates to sell or something but alas I was wrong.  I didn't want the cupcake because it doesn't fit in well with my diet plan.  I came to work and gave it to our resident  sugar junkie.  I have to say though it looked absolutely fabulous.  Had I been having a weak moment I would have scarfed it down.  I am proud of myself.

In other news....not much to report.  I am at work until 10 or so.  I have my letters, envelopes and address book here so I can start sending out some letters.  I hope I get this mone raised.  I do have 2 gift certicicates to sell from Bak 4 More Salon.  Yay.  I hope you are all having a great day!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday morning again

Good morning web world.  Am I really only saying good morning to myself?  Who reads this anyway?  Any who.  This week is a busy one.  I work evenings most of the week and have the kick off event for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society on Wednesday.  I am still fund raising if you would like to donate ( ) 

Emily is doing ok.  I think she is coming down with another cold.  She has been sneezing a lot this morning and has had a runny nose.  No fever so that is good and she is playing fine.  She is just the cutes thing ever was.  I love that munchkin.

I am going to be taking her to the babysitter here in a little bit so I can get a work out in before having to go to work.  I think I am going to do the elliptical.  Now to figure out what to take to work for dinner and all that fun stuff.  I hope everyone out there has a wonderful day!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Good morning friends

As I have mentioned before that I am doing the team in training.  I have my website so here it is:

 Please help me support this wonderful organization.  Thank you all in advance.

Sorry I don't have anything else to say and I have no idea how to change my font Have a wonderful day everyone.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hello, are you there?

I couldn't come up with a post yesterday.  I just didn't have anything to put down on the screen.  Last night I got to talk to one of my best friends from college and it was great.  I hadn't talk to her in forever and she found me on facebook.  I love reconnecting.  Life takes a lot of twists and turns and it's nice to go back every once in a while.

Emily is doing great.  She is growing up so fast.  Her hair is getting so long and just hangs in her face.  She doesn't leave it pulled back a lot of the time so it's always in her eyes.  She has got the greatest little laugh.  It's hard not to laugh with her.  She knows who she is. You ask her where is Emily and she points to herself.  She still hasn't walked on her own more than 2 steps but she will when she is ready.  I love her hugs and kisses.  I love my munchkin.

I have been running again.  Yay!  I hate being injured and not being able to do it.  I'm not running the distances that I was but I also need new shoes.  Running in old shoes can cause injury and since that may have been part of the tendonitis that I had I am taking it easy until I get new ones.  Hopefully when I get paid next weekend.  Have a great day friends and family!

Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm really doing this

So on Saturday I did it.  I signed up for Team in Training without even really thinking twice.  It's such a great cause and opportunity.  Do I think the fund raising is a daunting task?  Yes.  I will be asking for you all to help once I have everything I need in place.    So what is Team in Training.  It is a program centered around the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  We fund raise and 75% of what we raise goes to LLS to do research in finding a cure for blood born cancers.  Can you imagine finding a cure for cancer?  You can help in that.  The other 25% goes towards my travel and race costs.  You maybe saying travel?  Travel where?  I will be doing the San Diego Rock N Roll Half Marathon on June 6th.  The amount I need to raise is $2900.  That is a lot I know but hopefully with everyone's help I will get there.  I am excited and nervous.  So please help me reach my goal.  All I really need is 100 people to donate $30.  I will have a website up in a few days where you can donate online.  Thanks so much in advance!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hello friend!

Oh how I have missed you.  I have looked forward to your return all week.  Monday was rough because you were so far away. I am so happy you are here.  I know I work until 8:30 but I know once I hit those doors I get  to spend the next couple of days with my wonderful husband and beautiful daughter doing the things we want to do.  Oh Friday you are a great friend indeed.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I need to be a better blogger.

The truth of the matter is I don't know what to say. The 100's of things I find interesting in a day most likely won't interest you. Hmmmm. Do you care that I have a running problem? If so my problem is I have had an injury and can't run. This weekend I get to run. So fingers crossed there will be no pain.

The sunrise this morning was absolutely gorgeous. I got to share that with Emily as I drove her to the babysitters house. I don't think she was interested but I think she said "pretty". I love that munchkin. She has started saying "no" to everything you ask her. She only says it though when you say something in the form of a question so I think she understands a little. I know I shouldn't laugh when she says it but it's just so funny and cute. That is one thing you really have to watch as a parent. You don't want them to think certain behavior is OK but when they do it it is so funny and you laugh. So they do it again. Oh well. We will figure it all out.

Saturday I am going to an informational meeting for the LLS Team in Training program. They help prepare you for marathons, half marathons and such while you fund raise for them. They provide you with he tools for fundraising, a coach and what you raise helps pay travel, race fees and event fees. A win win situation. I am hoping to do it. The race is between the Louisville Derby Half or the San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Half. You can imagine which I would like to do but it depends on the money amount that I would have to raise. I guess we will see how it pans out.

All right I guess I am finished with my ramble. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Or maybe I am just talking to myself and no one really reads this anyway. Well if that's the case Noel have a great day.