
Friday, May 28, 2010

Feel good Friday.

Don't you love having a great evening?  I had the chance to go out to dinner with an old friend last night and get caught up with her life.  We ended up sitting in the restaurant and talking for over 2 hours.  It was great. I don't have a lot of girl friends to just go out and hangout with so this just made me happy.

This morning I met my sister in law at the Pilot station so she could get Emily.  I got there before she did so Emily and I went in to get a mommy a cup of coffee.  The clerk was so nice to help me pour my coffee.  Then a random stranger asked me if that was all I had and said yes and he paid for my coffee!  Such nice people on a Friday morning. 

I do have one issue with my morning so far.  I have an ear ache.  My left ear is hurting and clogged up.  I guess I should make a doctors appointment to make sure it isn't infected since I am flying to San Diego in a week.  Ear issues on a plane don't mix.  have a FABULOUS FRIDAY!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Is it me your looking for? I thought I should right something since I haven't done so in a while.  So here it goes. Hmmmm what to say what to say?  I want to be able to breathe freely.  I miss that.  I have been using a neti pot and that has helped some but I guess I am clogged up pretty good.  Blah.  Two people at work have put in their 2 weeks notice.  I will miss them but wish them both the best of luck with life.  I want cake.

Friday, May 21, 2010


I had a close call coming into work this morning.  In the lane next to me a car that was switching out of my lane into the other came to an almost complete stop and the big box truck almost hit him but manage to miss.  The car in front of me came to a stop because the exit lane was backed up and I had to slam on my brakes.  Since the roads were wet I skidded to a stop part of the way on the shoulder but I managed to stop before hitting the car in front of me and the car behind me got stopped.  The car behind him also ended up on the shoulder.  Crazy.  Thank you God for watching over all of us and no one was hurt.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Have you ever felt like  you have something you really want to say but it's buried so deep down it hasn't surfaced yet? There are some things I can't talk about.  There are things that I can tell are floating around but haven't come to the surface of my mind. 

I have no funny, quirky stories to tell today.  It's been one of those weeks.  You know the kind that you just look forward to going home and doing whatever it is you do to disconnect. For me that has been taking Emily out in the back yard and blowing bubbles.  She runs around trying to catch them and laughs when they pop.  That is the best sound in the world.  Makes the stress a lot easier to take.

I want to go to the zoo.  Just a random thought for you.  I love going to the zoo and Emily has only been once.  We didn't make it all the way through though.  Need to go back soon.  Oh well  have a great day everyone.  To all of the mothers out there have a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

To the fallen

I didn't know you but I am sad you are gone.  All I know is you were a husband, a father, a decorated Air Force officer who served in Iraq. You came back home to Lexington to be one of the city's finest. You protected our city, our families and our friends.  You died in the line of duty.  You answered a call and were senselessly killed in a hit and run.  You were laid to rest today.  Thousands lined the streets as your funeral procession passed.  I wish I could have been one.  I can't imagine the pain your wife feels and the lack of understanding of your son.  How do you explain to a 4 year old that they can't hug their daddy again?  Today you received your last call.  One you are answering in Heaven.  May peace be with your family.  May your wife find strength and courage to face each day.  May your son grow up to be the same upstanding man you were. RIP Officer Bryan Durman.

To the men and women who serve in our military, police forces and fire fighters thank you.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So much to say

I have so many thoughts drifting through my head.  I want to blog about them but I guess I have my internal edit button on.  I figure why does anyone want to read what I have to say?  What's so interesting about me and my thoughts? 
I want to create things.  I want to make art. I feel like I have this creative energy that just wants to burst from every pore but I don't know how.  Do you know what I mean?  I'm not a writer by any stretch of the imagination.  I love photography and think I am pretty good at that but not at the same time.  I can't draw worth a lick and if you put a paint brush in my hand it's hard to tell what my show up on canvas.   I know art is subjective but I guess it's my low self esteem and insecurities that tells me I'm no good. 
Just thought I would put this out there.  I don't even think anyone reads this.  I don't know how to go about getting readers either.  I guess I will learn.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Just throwing it out to the universe

So I want to be a preschool teacher.  I have thought about my career often over the past year and everything leads me back to wanting to teach preschool.  It's a total career change and would mean going back to school.  I am already really busy.  I can't ignore the pull in this direction. 

On Friday I took the plunge.  I enrolled into an online university for Early Childhood Education.  I am still nervous and scared about it.  Second guessing myself but deep down I know it's the right thing for me.  So if you could say some prayers to help me through it I would appreciate it. 
