
Friday, March 26, 2010

About me

I was reading Shelly's blog and she had a fun post about 10 quirky things about her. So, here are my 10 quirky things.

1) I work in television and that in and of itself is quirky.

2)  I love running.  Some people find this weird.  I find it enjoyable.

3)  I love racing as well.  The atmosphere of a race is undescribable to those who have never done it.  The energy you get from all the runners and really everyone is so friendly.

4)  My music tastes are quirky.  It changes from month to month what I like right now it's country.

5)  I love photography and have dreams of being a professional photographer.

6)  I am random.  I will pop out with the most random things.  We can be talking about one thing and all of the sudden I start talking about something so totally off subject.  I can't help myself.

7) I love my message boards.  I belong to 2 and probably spend to much time checking them.

8)  I dont' live and die by UK athletics and if you live in or around Lexington KY that is quirky.

9)  I am organizationally challenged.  Our house is so out of order and I have no idea what to do to fix that.

10)  I am a Yankees fan which is weird here in KY.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


My precious little munchkin is 16 months old.  I can't believe it.  Seems like yesterday she was this big.
Now look at her

She is walking and talking.  Loves books.  Which we need to get some new ones.  Mommy is tired of reading the same ones over and over and over  She is like her daddy and wakes up slow in the morning.  She gets so excited when I come back in from a run and I love that.  She gives hugs and kisses and says thank you. She loves food.  I don't think there has been anything she hasn't just loved.   I think yogurt and potato soup are her favorite things to eat.  She loves her duck, good luck bear and this little teddy bear that I have know idea where it came from.  She loves to play with her friends at the babysitters house.  She plays so hard and as soon as they leave she passes out.  She is just such a joy and a happy child.  I LOVE YOU MUNCHKIN!